Support Unlimited UK provides bespoke training for support staff during induction period and on an ongoing basis to assist support workers gain the necessary behaviours, attitudes, skills, and knowledge to deliver high-quality, safe, person-centred care and support to our clients.

Support Unlimited UK issues staff with a Health and Safety handbook and Employee handbook.

Support Unlimited UK offers the following training (not limited to):

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism
Autism Awareness
Learning Disability
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) with Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLs)
Epilepsy Awareness


Positive Behaviour Support
Person - Centred Care
Safety Intervention (Crisis Prevention Institute)
Diabetes Awareness
Health & Safety Awareness


Moving and Handling
First Aid Training
Safeguarding Adults at Risk
Food Hygiene
Basic Life Support


Medication Administration Training