Ours is a different face of homecare. Our client group is anyone 18yrs and over with complex behavioural needs, deemed ready to make the transition from a long-term mental health and or Learning Disability institution (prison, mental health hospitals, Learning Disability Institutions) back into the community in their own home (Under the Transforming Care Agenda), usually, to their very first home on their own. Mental health conditions, Learning Disabilities and Autism are the primary disorders that our clients have, making behaviour management our focus as a Support Provider. A large percentage of our clients are non-verbal which requires our staff to be able to understand client methods of communication. Our behaviour management model is; “All behaviour is communication”.

As a provider, we have to ensure the safety of our workers in the community as they manage very challenging behavioural needs in the confines of the client’s home and out in the public. Our workers on the job are very vulnerable therefore their training is intense to raise confidence levels and to equip them to manage any situation. The average staff to client ratio is 2:1, 24 hours daily which is reviewed regularly based on behavioural presentation and level of risk posed.

The planning process for the transition right up to the moment they move into their new home varies from client to client and can take up to 3 months to ensure safe discharges.




support workers

Support Unlimited is committed to transforming lives every day through honesty, reliability, and transparency.

Consistent Staff

quality support

Building a stable and consistent team for each client.

Person Centred Care & Support

care and support

At Support Unlimited UK, it is about the person. We adapt our service to the client's expectations and preferences, not the other way round.

Trauma Informed Care & Support

support mental health

At Support Unlimited UK, we ensure that the physical and emotional safety of our clients is addressed through understanding previous identified trauma.